Friday, November 29, 2019

Useful, Destructive Technology Essay Example

Useful, Destructive Technology Paper How can technology be so useful and destructive at the same time? The cellphone helps with communication, but also it can get me in trouble with the law. Undeterred by we probably have different types of technology my three most important pieces of technology are cellphone, laptop, and psd radio. In this era, technology is use in many occasions, myself technology I use is my phone is what I take with me everywhere I go. My phone is black and I use my phone to mark any appointments in my calendar, which is extremely useful. When it comes to school or even when I have to work in the mornings, I’m constantly marking events down in my calendar. Secondly, I use my IPhone to get on different social media’s such as, Snap Chat, Instagram, and Twitter. I mostly get on Instagram and upload pictures. Thirdly I use my phone to take videos of me when I’m playing softball. Being that my phone takes great videos and helps me keep up to any important updates and times. Overall, my phone helps me stay in contact with my family as well as my friends. Another useful technology is my laptop. I use my laptop to do my projects and homework especially since I started to go to College of the Desert. It’s not just for education purposes that I use my computer to download music and burn CD for my family in which they are always asking me to download and burn CD for them. Second, what I use my laptop is to watch Netflix on my laptop but to this time they haven’t been any good movies or TVs shows on Netflix. Three I like to mess around with my picture and fix them around or even make colleges and make movies pictures with the pictures. We will write a custom essay sample on Useful, Destructive Technology specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Useful, Destructive Technology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Useful, Destructive Technology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Lastly, another useful technology is my PSD Radio I use my radio when there’s events with the Riverside County Sheriff Explorers. We use them to communication with the other explorers or even the advasiors and let them know how were doing or if we need any help. We could only use are PSD radio are only to be used for m

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