Monday, November 18, 2019

See the attachment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

See the attachment - Essay Example In the 2005 ranking of poverty stricken countries by the United Nations, Kenya was position 154 out of 177countries.There are several factors that cause poverty in Kenya (Hughes, 2009). For instance, limited economic diversity most of the people in Kenya do depend on the agricultural industry yet an unstable sector because of weather changes. Most rural dwellers do depend on their substance farming for both monetary incomes as well as for their food. Jobs are less available living people with scarce opportunities. School fee is out of reach for poor families. It leaves many looking for a less productive job. According to research done by transparency international, Kenya is among the most corrupt country. Unequal distribution of resources favoritism, bribes and tribalism are some of the factors that contribute to poverty levels since most resources are not accessed. Several actions have been developed to help reduce poverty in the country (Asadi et al., 2008). An example is the introduction of free primary education by the Kibakis government. This medium tends to promote development. The government is also trying to ensure people in rural areas access health care services. Dispensaries are built in different places in villages. In addition to this, there is a ‘Kazi Kwa vijana’ initiative for job creation that ensures the government creates jobs for the youth. This is done by the provision of Uwezo funds to help the young people to start a business, as well as farming projects. The situation of poverty in my country can be improved by providing free business education and training especially to youths. The government should also provide loans for micro-business projects. There should be Equal allocation and distribution of resources. Provision of equal opportunities in the business sector harmonizes the poor and the rich. There were 192 nations represented in the seminar Kenya included. During the seminar, we had several presentations on

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