Thursday, February 13, 2020

India and China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

India and China - Essay Example As mothers, they used to take care of their homes and their children and ensure that their daughters end up marring a rich person. In India, a female serves several roles throughout her life at different stages of life. Every female is expected to go through two stages of life, the first stage is when an Indian female assumes the position as a daughter in Indian family and the second stage is when she assumes the position of being a wife along with a daughter in law in her life. As an Indian female child or daughter, the parents of an Indian girl expect her to enjoy her life, concentrate on her studies and become an obedient child to her parents. For example, Sita in Sarena Nanda’s article named â€Å"Arranging a Marriage in India† states that as a child her family does not expects her to find a boyfriend and a future partner for her and instead want her to leave this task on their shoulders while she continues to have fun and enjoy their life (Hirschberg 192). This eve n means that parents of Indian families expect their daughters to be dependent on them for major decisions of their life such as deciding about the person whom she is going to get married to and spend her life with. Another important point stated in Nanda’s article is that when a girl is married to a boy in India, the girl does not only gets married to the individual male, she even agrees to be committed with entire family of her husband. For example, when Sita was asked about how she can get married to a person she does not know, she responded that her parents conduct a background check on the family of her future possible husband. This means that at an early age, her parents have already injected it in her mind that after she gets married she even has to serve the family of her husband. In the ancient Chinese era, the Chinese families expected the female children to accept that the males of the society were elites and they were subordinates to them. This is evident in the a rticle named â€Å"China Chic: East Meets West† as it has been stated that the activity of foot binding was limited to the female gender and at a very early age this activity was conducted to ensure that the size of female feet remains smaller than the size of the male feet to symbolize male dominance (Steele 416). The females of the ancient Chinese era were even expected to accept that no matter how weak their male counterparts were, they were still elites and dominant. This explanation is correct as foot binding was especially under taken during the period when the Chinese were experiencing defeats and in order to boost the morale of the military officials, foot binding was used to make them feel superior. Chinese women were even expected by their family members, especially by their mothers to look sexually attractive so they can compete against concubines in order to attract their male counterparts. Steele asserts that small feet were perceived to be very sexually attracti ve, thus females of ancient Chinese used to be involved in the act of foot binding. The process of foot binding even reflects that Chinese women during the ancient Chinese period were expected to marry a rich husband and in order to attract such a husband, their families used to bind their feet at a very early age and their children used to accept the activity in a very brave manner. Steele’s text even highlights that the role of a mother was to ensure

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Controversy Analysis, fracking, air pollution, gasland Essay

Controversy Analysis, fracking, air pollution, gasland - Essay Example Because of its potential to harm the environment, especially through the pollution of air, making it difficult for both humans and wildlife to survive, is an issues which has been widely discussed (McKenzie et al 80). The potential effects of fracking on the quality of air has led to the decision by the United States government to set up rules whose aim is to ensure that there is a reduction of the pollution of air by those companies which are involved in fracking. Among the first activities which led to the development of public awareness concerning the detrimental effects of fracking was the creation of the documentary film, Gasland. This documentary was an attempt to create awareness, within the American public, of the effects of that attempts made by gas companies to extract natural gas in rural America have on the environment. Fracking means of gas mining done through the injection of chemicals and massive quantities of water at high pressures with the intention of cracking open the rocks deep beneath the surface and as a result releasing the natural gas (Byrne). As is evidenced in the film, while fracking has led to the emergence of the natural gas boom across the United States, there is also proof that this method of gas extraction has led to the contamination of the environment, especially air, which is an essential want for all Americans (Porter). The fact that this film came into prominence is one of the reasons why the American government chose to take steps to ensure that the natural environment is protected against destruction through companies which use fracking in the extraction of natural gas. Gasland has created a new awareness in the public concerning the devastating environmental effects of hydraulic fracturing, which is the main means through which natural gas is extracted in the mainland United States. The film works towards the establishment of means through which these issues concerning the conservation of the American environment can be discussed and viable solutions for the environmental problems caused by these activities by oil and gas companies can be found (â€Å"Gasland†). It can further be said that Gasland deals with the preservation, the development, and the return of the American natural environment to the state in which it was previously. Because of the influence of Gasland, the EPA was pressured to issue final air pollution standards whose main purpose is to ensure that all fracking operations conducted in the country use emission capture technology (â€Å"The Future of Fracking†). While this was the case, however, the EPA gave the gas companies required to implement these new rules what was termed a phase-in period before having to comply. The new regulations that were put in place, were the first of their kind that were aimed at limiting air pollution due to the fracking process (â€Å"Clean Air and Natural Gas†). These regulations have created the requirement that all the operato rs who use this method have to capture natural gas and volatile organic compounds that are produced while the wells are being prepared for the production of gas (â€Å"Senate committee examines EPA rule on air pollution from fracking†). The fracking method, while creating vast potential for natural